How We Built in Just 4 Days Using

Jun 4, 2024
min read

Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower is a powerful social proof widget that displays data on validated purchases, visitor activity, and customer reviews. By utilizing, a powerful NextJS boilerplate, we were able to build this feature-rich SaaS application in just 4 days.

Key Features of

  • Data ingestion from various sources, such as Stripe, LemonSqueezy and Product Hunt

  • Embeddable and highly configurable widget to display validated customer interactions

  • Near real-time data availability within the widget

Benefits of Using

BenefitDescriptionRapid PrototypingPre-built components and SaaS features accelerated developmentScalable ArchitectureMonorepo architecture and modular design for scalabilityComprehensive DocumentationDetailed guides for smooth setup and customizationResponsive DesignTailwind CSS and shadcn/ui for visually appealing UICommunity SupportLikeminded community and dedicated support team

4-Day Development Journey

  • Day 1: Defined core features, chose tech stack, and set up with

  • Day 2-3: Built key features like data ingestion and the widget itself.

  • Day 4: Thorough testing, performance optimization, and deployment to production

Try to experience the power of this NextJS boilerplate and build your dream SaaS application in record time.


Skills Needed

To build using within the ambitious 4-day timeline, the following skills were necessary:

  • Proficiency in Next.js and React: is built on the Next.js framework, which uses React for building user interfaces. A solid grasp of these technologies was crucial for efficient development.

  • JavaScript Expertise: Being well-versed in JavaScript, the primary language used in Next.js and React applications, was a prerequisite for working effectively with

  • Familiarity with SaaS Development: Knowledge of common SaaS patterns, architectures, and best practices was required to leverage the SaaS-specific features and components provided by

  • Experience with APIs and Third-Party Integrations: required integrations with various third-party services and APIs. Familiarity with API development and integration was essential for seamless implementation.

Tools and Software Used

The following tools and software were utilized throughout the development process:

Tool/SoftwareDescriptionVisual Studio Code (or any preferred code editor)A robust and extensible code editor for writing, editing, and managing the codebase.staarter.devAccess to the boilerplate, which provided the foundation for building and GitHubVersion control with Git and a platform like GitHub for managing the codebase, collaborating with team members, and tracking changes.Node.js and yarnA Node.js runtime environment and the npm package manager were essential for installing dependencies and running the Next.js application locally.PostgreSQL (or any preferred database)A database solution for storing and managing application data, such as user accounts, feedback, and project information.Third-Party API Keys and CredentialsNecessary API keys and credentials for integrating with external services like payment gateways, and other APIs.Deployment Platform (e.g., Vercel, Netlify)A platform for deploying and hosting the application, making it accessible to users.

Day 1: Planning and Setup

Defining Core Features

To start the project, the first step was identifying the essential features for the minimum viable product (MVP). This involved analyzing the product vision and target audience to determine the key functionalities required for an initial launch. The core MVP features included:

  1. Subscriptions: Allowing users to subscribe to different plans, user accounts will be created automatically after subscription.

  2. Website Management: Enabling users to create websites and integrate their payment provider, as well as Product Hunt

  3. Social Proof: Displaying near live user activity, recent purchases, and customer testimonials to build trust and enhance credibility on your website.

  4. Customization Options: Offering a range of design and placement options to seamlessly integrate the social proof widget with your website’s branding and layout.

By focusing on these core features, the goal was to deliver a functional and valuable product to early adopters, gather feedback, and iterate based on real user needs.

Choosing the Tech Stack

The decision to use, a Next.js SaaS boilerplate, aimed to accelerate the development process further. provided a pre-configured codebase with essential SaaS features like authentication, database integration, and subscription management, reducing the need for extensive setup and boilerplate code.

This tech stack offered a balance between productivity, performance, and scalability, allowing the team to leverage existing knowledge and focus on building the core product features.

Setting Up with

With the tech stack in place, the next step was setting up the development environment using The process involved cloning the repository, which provided a pre-configured Next.js project structure with essential SaaS features already implemented.

Day 2: Building the Foundation

User Authentication

The boilerplate made setting up user authentication simple. It includes a secure system for login, registration, and password reset, using tRPC and sessions. We removed the password and registration modules, as account creation would be handled automatically when a customer first subscribed.

Database and Data Models

The team created data models to store sales information, reviews, widget configuration, and other application data.

They implemented data validation and sanitization techniques to ensure only valid, secure data was stored. The data models were designed for scalability, anticipating future growth and potential schema changes.

Third-party Integrations

A core feature is displaying social proof. The team integrated with payment providers, such as Stripe and LemonSqueezy, for sales data validation and allowing users to integrate them seamlessly within the application.

For subscription billing and payments, provided LemonSqueezy integration out-of-the-box. The team customized this to offer various subscription plans and pricing tiers, catering to different user needs and budgets.

They also integrated with an email service provider for transactional emails like account verification and notifications. This ensured a smooth user experience and improved communication.


Day 2-3: Building Key Features

Social Proof Made Simple allows customers to create and manage social proof widgets. The team built a user-friendly interface where users could:

  • Add new websites

  • Connect their projects payment provider

  • Configure and test their social proof widget

The dashboard provides an overview of all active websites, along with key metrics like:

  • Validated sales and reviews

  • Tracked visitor count

Overcoming Development Challenges

One challenge the team faced was ensuring the application could handle large volumes of data without compromising performance. We implemented:

  • Caching mechanisms

  • Optimized database queries

This improved response times and reduced server load.

Another challenge was integrating with the third-party APIs, which required careful handling of:

  • Authentication

  • Data formats

  • Error handling

Utilizing shadcn/ui Components

shadcn's pre-built UI components and utilities significantly accelerated the development of's user interface. These components saved time and ensured a consistent, polished look and feel.

Day 4: Final Touches and Launch

Thorough Testing

Before launching, the team conducted rigorous testing to ensure the application was stable and functioned correctly:

1. Unit Testing

We wrote unit tests to verify individual components and functions worked as expected, catching bugs early.

2. Integration Testing

We tested the integration with third-party services like Stripe, LemonSqueezy and Product Hunt, simulating various scenarios and edge cases.

3. End-to-End Testing

We performed end-to-end tests to validate the entire application flow, from user authentication to data visualization.

4. Performance Testing

We conducted load and stress tests to ensure could handle high traffic volumes without compromising performance or stability.

Deploying to Production

After extensive testing and optimization, the team deployed to a production environment using Vercel, a popular hosting platform for Next.js applications:

1. Configuring Environment Variables

They set up environment variables for sensitive information like API keys and database credentials, ensuring they remained secure during deployment.

2. Deploying to Vercel

They connected the project's Git repository to Vercel and triggered a deployment, which automatically built and deployed the application to a secure and scalable environment.

3. Monitoring and Logging

They integrated monitoring and logging tools like Vercel Analytics and Datadog to track application performance, errors, and usage metrics in the production environment.

With live and accessible to users, the team continued monitoring its performance, gathering feedback, and iterating on new features and improvements.


The 4-day Journey

Building in just 4 days was an intense yet rewarding experience. By utilizing, we could rapidly prototype and launch a fully-featured SaaS application in record time. Each day presented its own set of tasks and milestones.

On Day 1, we defined the core features, chose the tech stack, and set up the project using's boilerplate. This allowed us to start with a solid foundation and pre-configured components, so we could focus on database setup and integrating with third-party services like Stripe.'s pre-built features streamlined this process.

On Day 2 and 3, we developed key features like website creation, data ingestion, widget configuration and the widget itself.'s comprehensive set of SaaS components and responsive design framework accelerated our development efforts.

Day 4 was dedicated to thorough testing, performance optimization, and deploying to production. Thanks to's integration with Vercel, we could seamlessly deploy and monitor our application in a secure and scalable environment.

Benefits of

Throughout this 4-day journey, proved to be an invaluable tool, providing numerous benefits that enabled us to build efficiently:

BenefitDescriptionRapid PrototypingThe boilerplate's pre-built components and SaaS features allowed us to quickly prototype and iterate on ideas, saving valuable development time.Scalable's monorepo architecture and modular design ensured that our application could scale and adapt to future requirements without compromising performance or maintainability.Comprehensive DocumentationIf we weren’t already as familiar with it, the documentation would have guided us through setup, customization, and best practices, minimizing roadblocks and ensuring a smooth development process.Responsive DesignWith Tailwind CSS and shadcn/ui, we created a visually appealing and responsive user interface without sacrificing development speed.Community SupportIf you’re ever stuck when using the boilerplate, there’s a community of likeminded developers and the dedicated support team by your side.


If you're looking to build a SaaS application or rapidly prototype your ideas, we recommend exploring Its powerful features, comprehensive documentation, and supportive community make it an excellent choice for developers of all skill levels.

Whether you're a seasoned SaaS developer or just starting your journey, can help you streamline your development process, accelerate time-to-market, and create robust, scalable, and visually appealing applications.

Visit today and experience the power of this NextJS boilerplate for yourself. With, you too can build your dream SaaS application in record time.

-$9876 MRR

The Clock's Ticking.
Your Future Self Will Thank You

Start building your money-making SaaS today and finish by Friday. Don't let setup slow you down. Code it faster with our NextJS SaaS Boilerplate.

-$9876 MRR

The Clock's Ticking.
Your Future Self Will
Thank You

Start building your money-making SaaS today and finish by Friday. Don't let setup slow you down. Code it faster with our NextJS SaaS Boilerplate.

-$9876 MRR

The Clock's Ticking.
Your Future Self Will Thank You

Start building your money-making SaaS today and finish by Friday. Don't let setup slow you down. Code it faster with our NextJS SaaS Boilerplate. is a Next.js SaaS boilerplate designed to accelerate your development process. A ready-to-use template packed with essential features like authentication, billing, and localization. Built by developers for developers.

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Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.

Made with ❤️ in Germany

Design is a Next.js SaaS boilerplate designed to accelerate your development process. A ready-to-use template packed with essential features like authentication, billing, and localization. Built by developers for developers.

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Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.

Made with ❤️ in Germany

Design is a Next.js SaaS boilerplate designed to accelerate your development process. A ready-to-use template packed with essential features like authentication, billing, and localization. Built by developers for developers.

Last update to the template: ...

Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.

Made with ❤️ in Germany
